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U-Grow Mushroom Kit

This mushroom grow kit comes with 1x 4 LB bag of sterilized substrate of your choice and 1x 2 LB bag of sterilized rye grain with an injection port. 


  • 1. Supplemented Hardwood (Hardwood + Wheat Bran)
  • 2. Master's Mix (Hardwood + Soy Hulls)
  • 2. Coco-coir, vermiculite and manure mixture for poo-loving species

REQUIRED: Your own spore syringe or liquid culture (preferable) syringe bought from us or a reputable vendor.

INSTRUCTIONS: Sterilize and inject the sterilized grain bag through the self-healing injection port and wait for colonization of the rye grain. Once all grains are colonized, break up the grains and empty the grains into the substrate bag and seal with a zip tie. Once the entire substrate bag has been colonized, the block is ready to be placed into fruiting conditions!

U-Grow Mushroom Kit

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